Every Day is a New Day

I’m happy. I’m healthy. I’m going to have a great day. For years, hearing these three lines was all it took to push me over the edge. My dad was (and still is) obsessed with repeating them every morning, and I think I’ve finally been indoctrinated. I remember the very first day he said them….

The Simple Joy of a Szechuan-Style Wonton

As I write this post, I am laying back in my hotel bed, head propped up with a half-folded pillow and my laptop balanced on a stomach full of Szechuan-style wontons and noodles.  For me, this is what it feels like to be perfectly content.   After what has felt like the longest, yet fastest-paced day…

Baaaaack in the Saddle Again

The first time I tried to get in the saddle (that is, start my own YouTube channel), I fell off the horse. Now, I’m picking myself back up and giving it another shot — here’s your peek into a day in my life as a consultant! ~Danielle

All Signs Point to Relaunch

Truth be told, I don’t believe in astrology.  (Like, at all.) However, I’ll be the first to admit that I am a complete sucker for YouTube’s “Recommended” library, and I’ll click on almost anything. So, when astrokit’s 2020 PREDICTIONS For Your ZODIAC Signs (Astrology) kept popping up in my feed, I succumbed to temptation and…

Three Confessions

For the first time in my life, jet lag proved to be helpful by ensuring I was awake at 6am (7pm EST) in order to meet up with Bill (Hunter)*.  On this particular day, he arranged a meeting with a Global Village** alumni living and working in Seoul. Confession #1: Topographical cretinism struck again. I navigated…

Some Things Never Change

Three flights and twenty-one hours in later… I’M IN SEOUL! Despite being a well-seasoned traveler (whatever that means), some things never change. Exhibit A: My topographical cretinism or inability to navigate whatsoever After walking off my flight, I missed the immigration card pick-up station causing me to wait through a massive line twice. As a piece…

Where in the world am I?

Great question.  The joke among my friends is that I’m on a world tour, and they might not be entirely wrong in that assumption. From now until July 20th, keep reading to see where I am and what I’m up to! First stop: South Korea for the 66th annual DPI/NGO Conference!

Back in Action

Wow, I don’t even know where to begin…the first five weeks back at Lehigh have flown by! After spending the entire summer in Cincinnati (something I haven’t done since before my freshman year), I was highly unprepared for the back-to-school rush. Before you start giving me some rhetoric about the bliss of being a senior, consider the…


“A #GIRLBOSS is someone who’s in charge of her own life. She gets what she wants because she works for it. As a #GIRLBOSS, you take control and accept responsibility. You’re a fighter— you know when to throw punches and when to roll with them…You’re a badass.” ~ p.11 of #GIRLBOSS by Sophia Amoruso When I first started…

Don’t usually do this, but…

This article deserves its own post You Just Got Out of Prison. Now what? I can’t say that I personally relate, but the style was on point. Raw, real and eye-opening. Thanks, Viet Nguyen, for sharing!