Three Confessions

For the first time in my life, jet lag proved to be helpful by ensuring I was awake at 6am (7pm EST) in order to meet up with Bill (Hunter)*.  On this particular day, he arranged a meeting with a Global Village** alumni living and working in Seoul. Confession #1: Topographical cretinism struck again. I navigated…

Some Things Never Change

Three flights and twenty-one hours in later… I’M IN SEOUL! Despite being a well-seasoned traveler (whatever that means), some things never change. Exhibit A: My topographical cretinism or inability to navigate whatsoever After walking off my flight, I missed the immigration card pick-up station causing me to wait through a massive line twice. As a piece…

Where in the world am I?

Great question.  The joke among my friends is that I’m on a world tour, and they might not be entirely wrong in that assumption. From now until July 20th, keep reading to see where I am and what I’m up to! First stop: South Korea for the 66th annual DPI/NGO Conference!