Day 25: Déjà vu

It was not my intent to revive French expressions through this blog, but there are no better words to describe my day. Stylistically, French evokes more images in my mind as well, but that’s just my inner linguist talking. How I Feel When I Admit These Things The Streamlined, Bullet-Pointed List Version of my Day: Arrived…

Day 18 (Part 2): A Mysterious Evening Excursion

Upon returning home from work, Hayk informed me that I should “maybe wear something nice, because you are [I was] going somewhere.” With that incredibly vague suggestion, I changed into a nicer high-low dress and attempted to make myself presentable after a long day at work. A few hours later, Meri, my host mother and…

Day 18: Bucket List?

Since it is now Day 18, I have begun contemplating the idea of making a “Yerevan Bucket List” in order to squeeze in everything I would like to see and do before I leave in 37 days (which is entirely too soon!). My recent interest in making my blog look more aesthetically appealing (notice any…

Day 12: Food Poisoning, and Blood Tests, and Rice! Oh my!

Wednesday evening, when I was planning on adding updates to my blog, I set a new personal record on how ill I could become within a few, short hours. I rarely get sick, so I think my body feels the needs to malfunction on an even grander scale when I do. I’ll spare you the…

Day 0/1: That was today?

As I begin to type this post, the clock seems to be piercing the reasoning center of my brain (frontal lobe) screaming, “HEY YOU, IT’S BEDTIME!” I could probably label today as the longest day of my life, yet it feels like a blur. Jet lag or sensory overload? That is the question. Day 0:…